Feature film “Everyday” Released on Amazon Prime!

Phase 2 Pictures, LLC Blog

Feature film “Everyday” Released on Amazon Prime!

It was just in September of 2020 that we started the ball rolling to re-release the Juan Buitron film, “Everyday” (originally released in 2001 to DVD, Blockbuster and Hollywood Video as Tio’s Game”).

In reality, this journey began much earlier and didn’t have Phase 2 Pictures in mind. Around 2005 Juan approached me (Chris) to help produce (alongside John Vanis) a director’s cut of the film. Fresh off production of “Laugh it up, Chicago” and completion of the short film “Ladies First”, I jumped at the opportunity to help refine the film Juan already created. Unfortunately, we ran into several hiccups down the way.

Fast forward to today we have included never before scenes, vastly improved audio mixing, refined the ending and trimmed some scenes to ensure better flow. Today is a crowning first achievement to what we hope will be many release announcements to come.

If you have Amazon Prime you can check it out Free with your subscription or you can rent it for a low cost of $1.99 now!

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Phase 2 Pictures, LLC

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